Saturday, January 19, 2013

1st Night

I'm unsure of what I'm going to create. All I know is if I like the background I've come up with, I will feel inspired to what will go on it next.

I don't have many pictures but I'm thinking of making a linear self portrait in ink or charcoal at the end. I want to continue experimenting with spray paint and ink drips but most of the drawing will either be done in pastels and/or charcoal. What I'm trying to say is that there will be a lot of mix media through out the course of this semester on this post.

I'm not interested in having this blog become about just one type of art but embracing the journey of what ever I feel like it.

I'm not a Senior and am still not sure what type of work I want to commit to. Actually to be frank, I would rather not have a commitment what so ever. Why do we have to commit to something? Anyway,  going off topic....

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