Thursday, February 28, 2013


Work created today.

There is something more I want to add to the big one, which by the way is 36x48, but im still not sure what.

I chose these colors due to the feeling I got as I combined them. I took a moment to reflect on my pallet choice and was very pleased with the outcome.

I chose the light beige in the background due to my skin tone. The black is what I felt surrounded me for so long and from every corner. The red for all the pain, suffering, abuse and betrayals during my life. And last but not least, the turquoise for the new decision brightening my future. The one thing I would love to add is a poem I absolutely love but have to research to find it. I plan to handwrite this poem in small font size on the background xolor, giving it a different and curious texture.

Any ideas on a name?

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Inspirations... Wassily Kandinsky

What can I say about all this. I have loved this type of imagery for as long as I can remember. I specially love Kandinsky's choice of color since its what I'm drawn to. 

I have know of a teacher who believes that the attraction to my color choice is probably a cultural thing but I don't really care to understand why. I just like it! I feel like I can say a lot based on my color choices and feel something while using it because of its vibrancy.

I intend to continue using bright colors and manipulating them through different mediums and possibly styles. Since I've been told that sometimes you outgrow what you are attracted to, then I will continue in my path until I'm drawn to something else.

I guess and hope that what matters is that I continue to make art.

All images were collected through google images....

More unknown development...

Okay so, since I have no idea where I'm going with what looks like charcoal clouds or smoke, I chose to work on something else.
This is still not done but this is what I have so far. 
I made a quick sketch of the building below, (not exact) but something to go with. Since I'm currently inspired and seemed to be working on abstract work like Kandinsky and Barbara Moody (of course).

The next post I add will contain works of Kandinsky that I am not only drawn but inspired by.

Work in progress...

So, one day in class, I completely hit a wall. NOT literally but mentally. I could not figure out what the heck I was going to do and it was driving me crazy. So, I completely said "the he*$" with it and took a paper to begin doing what ever felt right at the moment.

This is what I came up with.
I don't know what this is but something will come out of it.
I sort of like the depth I've given it and how it looks like it has layer and texture. The only thing I used on this was vine and compressed charcoal. We'll see what will be the ending result. In the mean time, this will be something I will put on the side until I hit another wall.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Upcoming work

So, there's a number of things I've started since the last time I posted but I will be uploading pictures really soon. The pictures I will post are of unfinished work but at least it will show what I've been working on so far.

To be continued...

Friday, February 8, 2013

Final. "Torn"

This painting has been entered into the Artrageous auction. Hopefully it's selected.
4/9/13 Update: This item was not only selected but had a direct buy within the hour. It was an AMAZING night!